Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Totally Psyched!

I am, (as the title of this post suggests) totally psyched right now! I never really win anything (especially not things I really want) and I just won a copy of Break by Hannah Moskowitz from YA Highway-
Not only that but books are possibly my top two most favored material possession in the world, ranking above even such necessities as clothes (but only equal with music) and since I mostly feed my habit via the library, I was counting on waiting awhile to read this one. Now I get to read as soon as the post office delivers it:) So thanks to YA Highway and it's a totally great blog for anyone who reads or writes YA- and I actually thought that before I won the book.

In reading news, I have been sort of reading fluffy books with a couple of notable exceptions-
Willow by Julia
Hoban which was awesome. I couldn't imagine being a habitual cutter and this story actually made it relatable and well, almost understandable. I don't know what I would have done in her situation...


Nailed by Patrick Jones which was a really good flashback. I could definitely imagine me as the main character, Brett (although I think he has a little bit of a football player/jock guy name and maybe that is part of the irony) because despite how hard his road becomes, he refuses to give up who he is to make everyone else comfortable. If only you knew me then you would understand that fits me to a T.

In writing news, I managed to get an outline for the book and what I think will be a companion story and surprise surprise, this blog is already helping me even if so far it is in title alone.

I am listening to The Used and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus lately and wow, why did I ever think that just because the latter had an extremely stupid name that I shouldn't listen? It's because of my title snobbery, I guess, but do yourself a favor and check them out.
Thanks again to YA Highway!


  1. hey, thanks for the shout out. The character is named Bret after pro wrestler Bret Hart

  2. Congrats on the book! I can't wait to read it too.

  3. As, see, I so totally let that go over my head! Me and big sweaty sports that involve beating each other up do not mix:)
